Here you can find a listing of a varity of Seinfeld Terms from the show. Some are more famous than others. Feel free to add your own.
anti-dentite - term for someone who has a thing against dentists. Kramer
labels Jerry an anti-dentite after Jerry says he thinks a particular dentist
converted to the Jewish religion just for the jokes.
bad breaker-upper - someone that breaks up in the worst possible manner.
Elaine had one boyfriend that was stabbed by one girlfriend after a breakup.
Elaine also harbored bad feelings toward him after he broke up with her by
telling her that she has a big head.
Bro, The
- term for a bra like device that Frank Costanza (George's Dad) and
Kramer come up with to help the heavier man deal with support issues for the
chest area. (Also called the Manzere)
close talker - term for someone that talks in close proximity to others
The Contest - term for a contest the fabulous four had to determine who could
hold out without sex the longest.
double dipper - term for someone who dips a chip or other item, takes a bite
and then dips again. George is a double dipper.
Dr Von Nostrom - an alias of Kramer that he uses in his schemes. The
"Dr" is often said to be from the clinic in Belgium or claims to be a
dermatologist. Kramr also uses the alias Pennypacker.
Fabulous Four - term used to describe the actors that play Kramer, George,
Jerry, and Elaine, collectively
festivus - term for a holiday invented by George's dad. In the holiday family
members gather around, and the holiday is not over until either George or his
father "goes down." The holiday festivities are attended by George,
his boss, Kramer and George's family on one occasion when George has to prove
why he sent everyone a gift of a contribution to a fake charity for Christmas.
flagged - term for a book that has been marked and has been purchased because
it has been in the bathroom. George has to buy a flagged book after taking it
into the bathroom and no other stores or charities around town will take the
book off his hands afterwords.
germaphobe - term for somone obsessive about cleanliness. Jerry is a
germophobe. He refuses to kiss a girlfriend weeks after her toothbrush falls in
the toilet and she uses it as an example of his affliction.
high talker - someone that talks very loud
It's Me - term for a greeting on the phone between people that know each
other well. It's me is reserved only for one's closest of friends.
jimmy legs - term for a spasming of ones legs or other body appendages in bed
which occur beyond a person's control. Kramer once has a girlfriend with Jimmy
Legs which drives him crazy.
lady Jerry - term for a girlfriend of George's that looks just like Jerry
low talker
- someone that talks very softly. Jerry agrees to wear a Puffy
Shirt which looks like something a pirate would wear after he responds
positively to the words of a low talking girlfriend which he could not make out.
Master of your Domain - term for being celibate for a period of time. During
the "contest" the fabulous 4 wager on who can remain master of their
domain the longest. Term can also be described by the phrase lord of the manner
mimbo - a male
mimbo. Jerry coins the phrase in response to one of Elaine's
moops - term used on the show during a trivial pursuit game between George,
and "the bubble boy" that lived in a bubble for heatlh reasons. On one
of the cards the game stated in error that the moops and not the moors were a
warring people from the past.
mulva - Jerry calls one of his girlfriends
(Dolores)this after forgetting her
name and knowing only that her name rhymes with a female body part.
opening the vault - to share a secret with a friend
closing the vault - to cut one off, or keep secrets and information from
Pennypacker - alias of Kramer often used to represent a giant corporate big
regifter - someone that gives a gift to another that originally was given to
schick appeal - term for a supposed appeal that Elaine has to Jewish men,
often causing them to renoucne their religion if it helps their chances with
schmoopie - term for someone deeply in love that resorts to all the gushy
stuff and pet names. Jerry has a girlfriend he calls shmoopie. The term rubs off
on George's girlfriend who then becomes a shmoopie too.
Spongeworthy - someone of immaculate blood work, physical condition, and
appeal that is worthy of a sponge or very rare sexual contraceptive device which
was discontinued. Elaine uses the term to describe how much she likes her
present boyfriends.
Susie - a name for an imaginary character Elaine invents at work which only
she can get into contact with. Elaine ultimately has to fake Susie's death.
Susie is kind of like an alias for Elaine as the other three members of the
fabulous four have.
Vanderlay Industries - term for an imaginary company made up by George to
impress women and further his fantasies of being an architect like Art Vandaly.
Term is also used to describe an imaginary import/export business George invents
as a cover story to help him scheme a date with Marisa Tomei.
when world's collide theory - term coined by George on the show to describe
what happens when one's relations interfere with ones friendships. When
relationship George meets independent George, worlds collide for George Castanza.
Yada Yada Yada - term used to skip over less important parts of a story to
arrive at its conclusion. In the show Elaine Yada Yada's sex for example. The
phrase would be used such as "I went to a bar and came home late, and yada
yada I had sex with the guy."
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